I really enjoyed this piece! I found it highly relatable as I often find myself amazed at the fact that I still delude myself into thinking I’ll reach some point where I’ll no longer have any problems. This seems to be a trick I constantly play on myself.

Thank you for putting the experience into words

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What is a disruption? An incongruity? A disturbance? A disordering? What is an interference? When our precious patterns get mixed up or messed with? What happens when harmony meets dissonance and inconsistency? When normality, or whatever that means, confronts absurdity? What do you call it when where we are now diverges from where we’ve always been? When it splits with all we’ve ever known? When we find ourselves at variance with what we call typical? It has many titles. It goes by many names. It's just what life is. It’s just what happens. But, regardless of what you call it, no matter the word you use, it’s an opportunity. It’s the chance to be changed.

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